Topic: Trading old and newer for newest

I was eyeing up a few of the new cards and almost bought some singles, then thought... why don't I just trade some of my cards that have never seen the inside of a deck. So yea, take a look and see if you want to work something out.

Like a lot of other people, I place more value on older cards that have fully stabilized in worth (Force of Will or Gaea's Cradle, for example) than new cards that are still in a state of flux and could go up or way down (Temporal Mastery). So, while I'm cool with trading Avacyn for equal value of the same set, I'm not going to trade a Force of Will for Cavern of Souls x2.

Re: Trading old and newer for newest

are you using Avacyn as an example or do you need one?

Re: Trading old and newer for newest

shade36 wrote:

are you using Avacyn as an example or do you need one?


My wishlist is fully updated, it contains what I'm looking for.

Re: Trading old and newer for newest

trade sent, sir

Re: Trading old and newer for newest

Sent a trade for some small legacy stuff, willing to go bigger if you happened to see something you wanted.

I collect funny, epic, or unique flavor texts (foil if applicable)
Looking to purchase one player rewards and one judge foil Wasteland.
Tradelist | Wishist

Re: Trading old and newer for newest

outofstep, I'm around if you want to finish out the trade.