Topic: Heroclix?

Does anyone else here also play Heroclix? I'm looking to trade off my cards for Clix.

Re: Heroclix?

i actually have some clix

Re: Heroclix?

Send me a list. Maybe we can work something out.

Re: Heroclix?

I don't play but I have some clix I bought when the first set came out. What would I (you) be looking for, if anything? They're in my attic somewhere...

Re: Heroclix?

Looking for any LE's or Uniques. Depending on the set I can give you a list of what I'm interested in. Is it DC or Marvel?

Re: Heroclix?

Marvel Infinity Challenge. Don't have many, looks like two Juggernaut and a Wasp as far as Uniques go (silver, right?). A Juggernaut, Jean Grey, Skrull Warrior and Boomerang at red (Veteran?). Another 15 blue rings and 15 yellow. Also have what looks like most of a Infinity Challenge starter set (folded board, loose pieces).

Last edited by Folkvar (2012-05-30 03:07:02)

Re: Heroclix?

Thanks for digging them up. I unfortunately already have the Wasp and Jugg U's. I appreciate you taking the time to dig them out for me though!

Re: Heroclix?

I have a list of stuff here: