Topic: Getting Rid of: Phyrexian Obl, Surgical Ext, Koth, Karn, Elspeth Tirel

Phrexian Obliterator x2 -$17
Surgical Extraction (promo) -$9
Koth of the Hammer x2 (1 is pending in trade, so maybe only 1) -$6
Karn Liberated -$13
Elspeth Tirel x2 -$12

Also Selling if you don't have anything on my wishlist.  Thank you.


Last edited by Pharva (2012-05-30 22:02:03)

Re: Getting Rid of: Phyrexian Obl, Surgical Ext, Koth, Karn, Elspeth Tirel

How much are you selling Koth for? And which Koth is it (duel deck or regular)?

Re: Getting Rid of: Phyrexian Obl, Surgical Ext, Koth, Karn, Elspeth Tirel

Regular Koth. Selling for $6.

Re: Getting Rid of: Phyrexian Obl, Surgical Ext, Koth, Karn, Elspeth Tirel

Whats the rest selling for?

Re: Getting Rid of: Phyrexian Obl, Surgical Ext, Koth, Karn, Elspeth Tirel

Looking to trade for the Phyrexian Obliterator and a Birthing Pod. Trade them for my Entreat the Angels?

Re: Getting Rid of: Phyrexian Obl, Surgical Ext, Koth, Karn, Elspeth Tirel

Pharva I noticed you have a Bonfire of the Damned, is it for trade?  I have a few things on your wishlist that I would trade you towards it like a Entreat the Angels and Sun Titan.