Topic: FNM cu schimbari ...

Deoarece acum avem 4 sau 5 FNM-uri pe luna, am decis ca sa schimbam putin, animam si altfel aceste evenimente.
Dorim ca sa atragem si jucatori noi, care nu au deckuri competitive de 200-300 USD si totusi sa aiba sanse sa castige si sa invete.
FNM-urile vor fi impartite astfel.

FNM 1 - Standard/Draft - depinde de perioada. (intrare 5 RON)
FNM 2 - Budget FNM - 75 USD (deckbox) (intrare 10 RON)
FNM 3 - Standard (intrare 5 RON)
FNM 4 - Budget FNM - 120 USD (deckbox) (intrare 10 RON)
FNM 5 - Daca este, Extended - depinde de perioada. (intrare 5 RON)

Deoarece deja am sanctionat FNM-urile pina pe August, intram in normal din Septembrie.
Pina atunci o sa modificam pe Deckbox evenimentele, nu va speriati :-)

Astept si comentarii asupra acestei modificari.

PS: Scos idea cu Proxy ca nu e voie :-(

Last edited by lvalics (2012-06-08 08:35:58)

Re: FNM cu schimbari ...

Objection your honor!! Am o singura problema: proxy. Stiu ca Magic-ul e un hobby costisitor, dar eu zic ca la evenimentele sanctionate sa nu permitem proxy-uri. Cu proxy poti sa te joci oricand, sa nu stricam FNM-urile. Parerea mea...

Re: FNM cu schimbari ...

Objection refused smile))))) Glumesc.
Ideea e ca de multe ori iti pot lipsii 2-3-4 carti care sa nu le ai, dar nu le are nimeni din comunitate si atunci joci cu un deck ciopirtit. Daca joci cu un deck ciopirtit, nu mai poti juca competitiv si nu ai fizic de unde sa faci rost de cartile alea ca nu le are nimeni din comunitate sau nu poate sa le dea si nici nu iti vine in timp.
Asa nu poti testa deckul cum ar trebui si renunti a juca, deci pierdem jucatori care vor sa joace dar le lipsesc carti. E una pe luna, nu e la each FNM, eu zic ca putem incerca daca nu e ilegal.

Si alte evenimente nu avem nesanctionate.

Last edited by lvalics (2012-06-08 08:33:05)

Re: FNM cu schimbari ...

Cade idea de proxy, o sa facem un eveniment special pt asta, nu e legal la FNM, scuze nu stiam.

Re: FNM cu schimbari ...

lvalics wrote:

Cade idea de proxy, o sa facem un eveniment special pt asta, nu e legal la FNM, scuze nu stiam.

Nu sunt legale nicaieri.


3.3 Authorized Cards
Players may use any Authorized Game Cards from Magic: The Gathering expansions, core sets, special sets, supplements, and promotional printings. Authorized Game Cards are cards that, unaltered, meet the following conditions:
• The card is genuine and published by Wizards of the Coast
• The card has a standard Magic back or is a double-faced card.
• The card does not have squared corners.
• The card has black or white borders.
• The card is not a token card.
• The card is not damaged or modified in a way that might make it marked.
• The card is otherwise legal for the tournament as defined by the format.
• The card is a proxy issued by the judge of a tournament (see section 3.4 for rules about proxies).
Any other cards that are not Authorized Game Cards are prohibited in all sanctioned tournaments.
Unglued and Unhinged basic land cards are allowed in sanctioned Magic tournaments.
Players may use cards from the Alpha printing only if the deck is in opaque sleeves.
Players may use otherwise-legal non-English and/or misprinted cards provided they are not using them to create an advantage by using misleading text or pictures. Official promotional textless spells are allowed in sanctioned Magic tournaments in which they would otherwise be legal.
Artistic modifications are acceptable in sanctioned tournaments, provided that the modifications do not make the card art unrecognizable, contain substantial strategic advice, or contain offensive images. Artistic modifications also may not obstruct or change the mana cost or name of the card.
The Head Judge is the final authority on acceptable cards for a tournament.
3.4 Proxy Cards
A proxy card is used during competition to represent an Authorized Game Card that has been accidentally damaged or excessively worn in the current tournament (including damaged or misprinted Limited product) as determined solely by the Head Judge. Proxies are not allowed as substitutes for cards damaged intentionally or through negligence.
Players may not create their own proxies; they may only be created by the Head Judge. When a judge creates a proxy, it is included in the player’s deck and must be denoted as a proxy in a clear and conspicuous manner. The original card is kept nearby during the match and replaces the proxy while in a public zone as long as it is recognizable. A proxy is valid only for the duration of the tournament in which it was originally issued.
Official checklist cards in the Innistrad Block are Authorized Game Cards and may have a proxy issued by a judge.

Policy : … cardpolicy

Turneele mari care folosesc proxy (vintage, in USA) sutn tinute casual non-rated, dar cu nivel competitive. Nimic sanctionat.

Last edited by Scorpse (2012-06-08 14:54:22)

Diverse thoughts. MTG and anything that crosses my mind.
DCI MTG Level 2 Judge

Re: FNM cu schimbari ...

Merci, am aflat si eu :-) Vroiam sa ajut sa testam deckuri .... asta e ...

Re: FNM cu schimbari ...

pt teste puteti juca dar non santionat cu orice fel de proxy.

Diverse thoughts. MTG and anything that crosses my mind.
DCI MTG Level 2 Judge