Topic: W: Emrakul, Ulamog, It that Betrays, Other Commons, H: Lots!

I am attempting to put this deck together, but still need many of the pieces. If anyone has any of the commons /uncommons needed, I would happily trade. I'm also looking for a couple of the big Eldrazi as well.

I'm also always looking to trade for stuff in standard, even if it isn't in my wishlist, so shoot me offers.

Thanks for looking!

Please look at my wishlist and also my trade stuff!

1 Overgrown Battlement
4 Wall of Blossoms
4 Wall of Roots
1 Platinum Angel
1 Sundering Titan
1 Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre
1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
1 It That Betrays

2 Ancient Stirrings
4 Sylvan Scrying
3 Crop Rotation
2 Beast Within

Re: W: Emrakul, Ulamog, It that Betrays, Other Commons, H: Lots!

Posted an offer.