Topic: Looking for snow-covered lands

W: one of each (at least plains, island and swamp)


Re: Looking for snow-covered lands

I have tons from Ice Age, what do you value them at?

Re: Looking for snow-covered lands

Hows a buck each?

Re: Looking for snow-covered lands

Sounds good, trade incoming. I'll verify tonight after work that I have them before final trade accept (certain I do, but...) as I never bothered to put lands into deckbox.

Re: Looking for snow-covered lands

I too have some from Ice Age.  If you want more, let me know and I'll be happy to open up a trade with you.

Re: Looking for snow-covered lands

I've got a foil snowcovered island from coldsnap if anyone's interested.

Re: Looking for snow-covered lands

If anyone is looking to make a monored edh deck with snow covered mountains I have ~25 that range from nm to sp that I will probably trade off at around 50 cents a piece, potentially less depending what I'm getting.