Topic: Need 2 Dragonskull Summits

I need two more Dragonskull Summits to complete my Battle of Wits deck for M13.  Trade me!

Last edited by Sai077 (2012-07-03 17:32:59)

Re: Need 2 Dragonskull Summits

Really need these.  Anyone?  D:

Re: Need 2 Dragonskull Summits

I should be able to scrounge 2 up. I'll let you know tonight. Would you do 2x dragonskull summits for a razorverge + strangleroot geist?

Re: Need 2 Dragonskull Summits

Coyote1023 wrote:

I should be able to scrounge 2 up. I'll let you know tonight. Would you do 2x dragonskull summits for a razorverge + strangleroot geist?

Sounds fine to me!

Re: Need 2 Dragonskull Summits

Never got a trade yet, so still looking for these!

Re: Need 2 Dragonskull Summits

Whoops, sorry. Setting it up.