Topic: Need some more opinions on my knights deck

hey All!

I made a knights deck

But want to add some cards in:

2x Oblivion ring


1x Sun titan (I figure with all these < 3 drops it might be worth having)

Any other suggestions are great too.


Re: Need some more opinions on my knights deck

My only thought would be to see if you can maybe drop 2x Student of Warfare for 2 of something else.  In my, admittedly limited experience, the creatures that need to be leveled up are rarely worth the trouble.

Re: Need some more opinions on my knights deck

I disagree about leveling, common levelers are worse than normal commons usually, but this one is quite good for it's efficiency, at the very least a 3/3 first striker is well worth {W}{W}, and if you have free mana later it could get ridiculous

Path to exiles should be Swords to Plowshares if you have the ability to get them.

I'd drop a Path/Plowshares for one O ring and maybe a Honor the pure for the other, I'm not 100% about that, honor the pure is pretty sweet

Also no titan, if anything you should have a few Wrath of God / Day of Judgement / Phyrexian Rebirth / Planar Cleansing with your Knight Exemplar one sided board wipes are really sweet, you'd lose your exemplar but nothing else and your opponent would lose everything

Last edited by imsully2 (2012-07-09 00:01:07)

Re: Need some more opinions on my knights deck

While a 3/3 First strike is good for 3 W, it throws off the mana curve.  That and you end up dropping so much more into one just to see it exiled, burned, doom-bladed, unsummoned, etc etc etc.

I can see where you could drop 2x levelers and put in 2 Oblivion Ring in their place.  The real power you're going  to have is dropping a LOT of knights and then making them bigger and indestructible/double strike.

Re: Need some more opinions on my knights deck

Levelers use mana  you can't use on anything else, then they draw out the removal that you don't want used on your really good cards, yes it sucks to have spent 8 mana on one creature only to have it Deathmarked, but I'd rather have it happen to him then my Knight Exemplar which can practically win the game by its self

Re: Need some more opinions on my knights deck

TyWooOneTime wrote:

My only thought would be to see if you can maybe drop 2x Student of Warfare for 2 of something else.  In my, admittedly limited experience, the creatures that need to be leveled up are rarely worth the trouble.

Unless the cost to level up is 1 mana, I totally agree. One mana levelers can make use of that useless mana you have sitting around tongue

Elspeth only fits a little in this deck, IMO. Her second +1 (the flying +3/+3) and ult are really the only synergistic effects in the deck. Then again... her ult fits every deck that likes indestructible... Ajani Goldmane would work well, since you don't have too many 4 drops. His -1 gives you a turn of offense and a turn of defense in a row, as well as a little more beef on your dudes.

An alternative to Ajani Goldmane is Elspeth Tirel, because of her spawning of creatures(which benefit from your Honor of the Pures) and gaining life for each creature you control. With Hero of the Bladehold out, and getting enough tokens, her ult might be decent as well.

With that said, to protect yourself from boardwipes, a bad attack, or to allow over extending on purpose Second Sunrise wouldn't be a bad 2 of.

Last edited by tails616 (2012-07-09 00:19:06)

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Re: Need some more opinions on my knights deck

tails616 wrote:
TyWooOneTime wrote:

My only thought would be to see if you can maybe drop 2x Student of Warfare for 2 of something else.  In my, admittedly limited experience, the creatures that need to be leveled up are rarely worth the trouble.

Unless the cost to level up is 1 mana, I totally agree. One mana levelers can make use of that useless mana you have sitting around tongue

Student of Warfare is a 1 mana leveler...

Re: Need some more opinions on my knights deck

I don't get why I'm catching flak here.  I said to drop TWO of them, not all four.

Re: Need some more opinions on my knights deck

TyWooOneTime wrote:

I don't get why I'm catching flak here.  I said to drop TWO of them, not all four.

Sorry, I didn't mean to come off like that, the only reason I'm pretty adamant about keeping 4 is because it's really only good if you can get it in your first hand and with 2 that's fairly unlikely in my opinion, again I am sorry if I came off as attacking your idea, obviously i'm no expert and you could very well be correct, only playtesting will tell

Re: Need some more opinions on my knights deck

imsully2 wrote:
TyWooOneTime wrote:

I don't get why I'm catching flak here.  I said to drop TWO of them, not all four.

Sorry, I didn't mean to come off like that, the only reason I'm pretty adamant about keeping 4 is because it's really only good if you can get it in your first hand and with 2 that's fairly unlikely in my opinion, again I am sorry if I came off as attacking your idea, obviously i'm no expert and you could very well be correct, only playtesting will tell

I'm gunna have to say "ditto". I didn't mean to be rude, or condescending to your idea, I was just pointing out that levelers aren't as bad as you seemed to say they were tongue

EDIT: I quoted the wrong post on my original......

Last edited by tails616 (2012-07-09 00:22:28)

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Re: Need some more opinions on my knights deck

I decided to remove the Armored ascension and replace both with oblivion rings, I feel like they make the target a big target for removal, and In an aggro suited deck (Although this often doesn't turn 4 kill). and since nothing has trample, it is just going to get chump blocked.

Also I run path over STPS because this is a modern deck.

Thanks for your suggestions though. Perhaps I'l make a [W][G] with Sun titan and Dauntless Escort.

Re: Need some more opinions on my knights deck

TheTorq wrote:

Thanks for your suggestions though. Perhaps I'l make a [W][G] with Sun titan and Dauntless Escort.

Make sure to include Rancor if you do, it's very nice with double strike

Re: Need some more opinions on my knights deck

It's all good guys, but one person saying it is enough to voice the disagreement.  Again, it was just a suggestion, he'd still have the levelers.  My thought is always to go with 2-3 rather than 4 of a card to add flexibility.