Topic: Decks by % owned

I was browsing the decks for Magic: The Gathering, but it's hard to find a nice deck for which you already have a reasonable amount of cards. I was wondering if it would be possible to add a '% owner' column in the search which shows how many of the cards you already have. Within the decks themselves, there could be a column 'owned' which has for each of the cards used an X/Y where X is the amount of cards you have and Y the amount of cards in the deck.

Re: Decks by % owned

Bump and....

I'd love to be able to mark a deck as 'locked'

If it's locked I dont want to be able to 'take' cards from it to build a different deck.

I hate going, 'Oh I can make that deck I have a bunch of the cards' to find out they are stuck in my commander, or maybe a duel deck or something.

Thanks again for everything you do Sebi.