Topic: New standard decks

So I've pulled 3 Sublime Archangels and traded for another one which has made me want to design a partially exalted deck and I've come up with two, one splashes green and uses Champion of Lambholt + Rancor in order to get the damage through and the other splashes blue to give infect and uses Blighted Agent as the main attacker. Both decks are pretty similar, they both use playsets of Blade Splicer, Silverblade Paladin, and of course Sublime Archangel. As of now I think the GW one is doing better but they're pretty even. I like the blue one since it has the shape anew combo in it and I love that combo, it's actually better in this deck than my shape anew deck since I can animate an Inkmoth Nexus and sac that. I'm hoping for votes and whichever wins will be the one I ask for advice about!

Blue :

Green :

Also remember these are standard and I need to keep it that way

Re: New standard decks

While the UW infect would be mean (especially if you put in Infinite Reflection to pair with either Sublime Archangel or Blightsteel Colossus), I think there's less potential there as about half of the deck will be rotating out.  Then again, that might be the incentive to get the playtime out of it now while you still can.

I'd still go the green route myself, but I'm more partial to green than blue.  That and the inclusion of Ajani, Caller of the Pride when thinking about Sublime Archangel and Champion of Lambholt is just nuts.  If you get Ajani to his ultimate, the game is over no matter which way you look at it.  I can see where some changes could be made to make it a bit more flexible/versatile, but I'll let you figure out which way to go before really getting into any of that stuff.

Re: New standard decks

Right now I like green better because I find that the Blue White needs specific card combos to work whereas the green white just needs to get some stuff out then smash face, either with a doublestriking unblockable champ of lambholt or with an exalted out creature with a rancor or 4. I've found that the weakest card for this deck seems to be the champion of the parish, I thought it would be really good but it really throws off the flow of the deck because it wants to come out T1 but I want Avacyn's Pilgrim out T1 so champion of lambholt can be T2 then get huge. I'm thinking about Nearheath Pilgrims or Spirit Mantles. My idea is that Spirit Mantle is an awesome exalted card since it makes your creatures unblockable but at the same time it just tells my opponent to remove that creature and get a 2 for one which isn't fun at all. Thoughts?

Re: New standard decks

Looking at the deck I can see where Champion of the Parish didn't fit the curve.  I see a few different ways you could really run with this.  In either case I think you could probably drop two forests since green makes up so little of the deck.

Your first option would be to include Garruk's Packleader and possibly even Conjurer's Closet to work with the Blade Splicers to help you draw more.  I can easily see where you could get decked here and nothing is large enough to be all that formidable on its own.  The creatures have relatively little evasion and could easily be overpowered if your opponent drops your Sublime Archangels.  The packleaders will let you draw every time the splicers drop a golem and the closets will guarantee that happens more frequently.

The other option would be to focus on protecting your creatures via Ranger's Guile/Mask of Avacyn/Sheltering Word as it would definitely suck to put forth the effort to drop Spirit Mantle on a creature, just to see it get blown up. 

In either option, I think the space could come from dropping a few lands while shuffling the other counts around.  With a mana curve that currently tops out at four, you're going to be looking at a lot of turns where you're dead drawing lands.

Re: New standard decks

I see what you mean about the card draw tho I'd probably use Soul of the Harvest for this deck since it's going to go off on all of my creatures not just the blade splicers. I also like the idea of hexproof but right now I'm using cloudshifts and have Autumn's Veil's in sideboard for protection. I might try out the Avacyn's Mask tho I just don't know when I'd ever have mana to cast it and actually want to. I pulled the Spirit Mantles for now and I'm going to play tonight without, using Nearheath Pilgrims instead since they work well with cloudshift and the mantle sucks with cloudshift, I'll let you know how it goes, I wish my cavern of souls' were here now tho, this deck is like perfect for having 4 of them, 2 tribes so they shouldn't be a dead draw and i'm using more than one color, oh well, maybe for FNM

I've made a couple expensive changes to the deck but since I pulled a snappy a geist and a couple nice foils I'm ok getting some nice cards for this deck. Here's the current build, I've got the card draw in the sideboard since alot of decks are too aggro for me to get up to 6 mana but I also put in a Garruk, Primal hunter since he could get me tons of cards after swinging with exalted, we'll see how this build does, I'm a little worried but we shall see. Also any sideboard advice, I know the war falcons probably look strange but remember they trade with flipped delvers so that's why I have them.

Last edited by imsully2 (2012-08-03 01:42:30)