Topic: W: 3x Promo Vampire Nighthawks

I have normals to trade back if you want those, plus what i have in my trade list. I value them about $3

Re: W: 3x Promo Vampire Nighthawks

What versions are your Koths?

Re: W: 3x Promo Vampire Nighthawks

I have one of the dual deck and 3 regular.

Re: W: 3x Promo Vampire Nighthawks

I'd be interested in the regular ones. I have 4 of the duel deck ones already.

Re: W: 3x Promo Vampire Nighthawks

Koth is about $6. How many of the nighthawks do you have?

Re: W: 3x Promo Vampire Nighthawks

I'll have to check when I get home