Re: Insert Clever Deck Name Here... Comments?

Sorry for not posting sooner, but anyway it seems like it's a good build but again I would go for more consistency, take out the wurm, it's not really serving a purpose and you probably won't get up to that much mana anyway. I feel like you need to do something to speed the deck up more, there aren't exactly alot of early game attackers/blockers to keep your life up, I'd consider Strangleroot Geists, I know they're pretty overused but they're phenominal, especially with Rancor. Another thing to consider if you don't like that is Hanweir Lancer, the first strike paired with almost anything can help you beat anything from the previously mentioned geists to non standard staples like Ball Lightning without taking any damage or losing a creature. I'd also main deck 3 rancors and 2 guise of fire rancor is so amazing, and for 1 green its worth +2/+0 even if the creature already has trample.

Lastly I would say you should drop Rolling temblor from side board to put in plummet, your deck is currently incapable of dealing with early game fliers without losing some of your most valuable resources.