Topic: Let's hear it for MORE standard deck ideas

So here's my next "bright" idea for a deck (note that I'm using the word bright rather liberally here).

Given that Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord has been leaked from RTR, why not build a Golgari (G/B) deck for some fun both leading up to and post rotation?  (here's a link to Jarad: … ombie.html)

Here's the deck as it currently sits: (Title is still a work in progress too wink )

So the idea here is pretty simple.  It's all about deathtouch and fighting.  Ulvenwald Tracker is one of the key engines that makes this work, as he fuels all the fighting.  Nightshade Peddler is there to help with to give deathtouch to the creatures where they don't already have it.  Between the two of them, I should be able to control the board pretty well, especially when the ones fighting are undying creatures, so I can pair them with the peddler, pick a fight using the tracker, let my creature get it's arse kicked, but take theirs out in the process. 

If my creatures don't have undying, well, that's what Undying Evil is for.  The fun being, that as long as things are dying, I can rock all sorts of morbid effects (enter Skirsdag High Priest or Tragic Slip), pump up Predator Ooze, or even take their creatures using Dread Slaver or Unhallowed Pact

Ultimately, if all my options don't work out and nothing is going to die, well, Disciple of Griselbrand provides a sack engine (which, when paired with the high priest, could easily translate into a one mana cost 5 life gain as I could sack the demon token during my opponent's end phase if life is needed).  Or Jarad will work in this place too once we return to Ravnica.

Other things... I have other board control via Murder, Bone Splinters and Tragic Slip.  4x Sign in Blood will ensure that I'm not sitting there top-decked.  Lastly, Exquisite Blood can help bail me out in a lengthy game by essentially giving all my creatures lifelink if/when they make their way through.

A few thoughts:

1) I'm pretty sure Rancor needs to find its way in here, but I'm not sure where to make room, given that I'm already sitting at 63 cards.  It would be a monster on any creature once Exquisite Blood is on the board, but it will really work wonders with Predator Ooze once it's pumped a bit.

2) What should I drop to get this to 60?  I've never been afraid of going over, but I'm thinking it should probably go down to at least 61 (with the added one being Jarad) for the time being.

3) I have some flying defense in Deadly Recluse and my load of creature removal.  I've sideboarded some added anti-flying stuff (see Silklash Spider).  Will that be sufficient?

4) Lastly, I have a lot of neat mechanics going on here and I don't doubt I'll be able to clear/control the board pretty well here.  But outside of clearing their side and then going in, is this a clear enough path to victory?  Predator Ooze has the ability to become LARGE pretty quickly.  I can take their creatures with either Dread Slaver or Unhallowed Pact.  I can plop out 5/5 flying demons essentially every turn with Skirsdag High Priest.  Is that enough?

Sorry for the lengthy post, but any/all input is welcome.

Re: Let's hear it for MORE standard deck ideas

I tried a BG deck based on deathtouch, prey upon and Bladed Pinions, it didn't work out, there was no real way to get damage through, I tried Tormented Soul but that didn't work out too good. I'll be interested to hear how this one works out for you, in BG Glissa the Traitor is pretty sweet