Topic: From the Vault: Realms

Contents and Details

  • 15 Premium foil cards, including 7 with new art.

  • An exclusive spindown life counter

  • A collector's guide.

  • Each card has been printed using a foil process unique to the From the Vault series.

  • The 15 lands are all printed in the current card frame. For some, it is for the first time.

  • From the Vault: Realms will be available world-wide in English only, and will have an extremely limited print run.

  • All cards are black bordered and tournament legal. This means that these cards are legal for use in any tournaments where the original printings are still legal.

  • Release Date: August 31, 2012

Asta cred ca o sa fie primul From the Vault care-l vreau smile Abia astept sa vad ce landuri va contine.

Re: From the Vault: Realms

Amu daca chiar ar vrea sa faca o treaba, ar putea sa bage cele 10 shocklands + inca 5 random tongue

Re: From the Vault: Realms

Parcă văd c-o să bage chestii gen Magosi...

Re: From the Vault: Realms

Unde le-ai vazut?

Re: From the Vault: Realms

vikirosen wrote:

Unde le-ai vazut?

FTV: Realms:
They spoiled Urborg, Tomb of Yagomth; Glacial Chasm; Grove of the Burnwillow; Forbidden Orchard; and Dryad Arbor.

I was unimpressed until I saw the Arbor. WHICH IS BEAUTIFUL! (looking for a picture right now) Like crazy beautiful... It has a Modern frame (the regular frame, not future sight), has the color indicator that they used on the "night side" of werewolves, and the text box... nothing. Just the Green symbol used on Basic Forest.

Tot in cadrul conferintei respective de la Comic Con au fost aratate.
Imi pare rau ca nu iti merge. Ziceai ca esti in China, nu?

ON Topic: Sunt de acord cu cel care a postat mai sus. Drad Arbor e o carte foarte buna si e jucata in formatele eterne (e cautata cu green sun's zenith pentru 0) . Pacat ca in Modern nu mai e la fel de bun de cand a fost banat green sun's.
Urborg este tot foarte buna. Restul sunt mediocre dar cred ca toata lumea se astepta sa fie maxim 3-4 land-uri foarte bune iar resturi acceptabile.

Last edited by TudorGrigoroaia (2012-07-14 18:28:28)

Re: From the Vault: Realms

Dintre cartile enumerate, toate mi se par bune.

Re: From the Vault: Realms

Pentru cei care nu au vazut, uitati continutul complet al FTV: Realms: … rcana/1040

Re: From the Vault: Realms

Vreau eu sa cumpar un set.

Re: From the Vault: Realms

BinaryLatin wrote:

Vreau eu sa cumpar un set.

Sergiule, se mai poate comanda un set pt dl. B-Latin?

Re: From the Vault: Realms

Sincer nu cred. Dar poate a luat Kshu cu unu in plus. O sa intreb.

Re: From the Vault: Realms

BinaryLatin wrote:

Vreau eu sa cumpar un set.

Na c-am reusit sa-ti fac rost de un From the Vault. La sfarsitul asta de saptamana o sa ajunga la Cluj.

Re: From the Vault: Realms

Excelent !
Multumesc frumos!