Topic: DD: Sorin vs Tibalt

Probabil ati observat..sau daca nu:
On the world of Innistrad, humans have always been pawns. For the mighty vampire families, humans are the source of blood and the foundation of their power. For the werewolf packs, humans are prey. For the ghouls and ghosts of the plane, humans are reminders of lives gone by, the despised living to be hunted and terrified. And for demons and devils, humans are targets for their hatred and torment.

Sorin was among the first generation of vampires created on Innistrad. He saw how his kind spread over the plane, feeding on and ultimately diminishing the populace. He argued for restraint, but the other vampire families resented his intrusion. Unknown to his kin, however, Sorin was a Planeswalker. He traveled the Multiverse searching for a solution to the grave situation on his home plane. Ultimately, he created the archangel Avacyn, a protector that would watch over the humans of Innistrad and serve as the symbol of hope. Thousands of years later, Innistrad is still afflicted with monstrous creatures, but thanks to Sorin’s intervention, the Avacynian Church continues to lend its protection to the world’s humans.

The fiendish mage Tibalt was born human, but immediately showed a predilection for inflicting pain. When a dark invocation caused his essence to be merged with infernal devils of Innistrad, his Planeswalker spark was ignited. He was free to traverse the Multiverse looking for new unfortunates to torment, but the innocent people of his native Innistrad were always his favorite victims.

Sorin, with his long-sighted, vampiric perspective, knows that humanity may lose its tenuous grip on survival if Innistrad’s monstrous forces hunt too recklessly. The young pain-mage Tibalt, on the other hand, respects no authority but his own vicious whims. As they clash, neither will tolerate anything but the utter defeat of his foe. Who will prevail is up to you.

Deck Design and Deck Development: Chris Millar and Kelly Digges
Twitter Hashtag: #MTGSVT
Languages Available: English, Japanese
Release Date: March 15, 2013
MSRP: $19.99 … rcana/1049
ME GUSTA artworkul...sweet colors


  1. Ioan Netea

  2. Vlad Ferariu

  3. ...


Re: DD: Sorin vs Tibalt

Mersi Silviu pentru postare.

Puteti sa va ganditi de pe acum daca doriti sa precomandati asa ceva si sa incepem sa facem o lista.

Re: DD: Sorin vs Tibalt

Cu siguranţă vreau unul! big_smile Alternate foil art Sorin to join my collection? YES PLEASE!!! cool

Re: DD: Sorin vs Tibalt

TripleXMan wrote:

Cu siguranţă vreau unul! big_smile Alternate foil art Sorin to join my collection? YES PLEASE!!! cool

you have a point there, my good man...


Re: DD: Sorin vs Tibalt

Sunt interesat... duh.

Re: DD: Sorin vs Tibalt

Se mai poate ?Doresc si eu unul daca da.

Re: DD: Sorin vs Tibalt

si eu si eu

Re: DD: Sorin vs Tibalt

Scurta intrebare: Cu Red Goblin in the house in Cluj, precomanda mai e valabila sau pot/trebuie sa-l achizitionez din alta parte? Multumesc.

Re: DD: Sorin vs Tibalt

Pai noi nu ne mai ocupat de distributie ci cei de la Red Goblin. Deci...

Re: DD: Sorin vs Tibalt

Noted. Thanks!