Topic: Need help Finishing my Cube

I'm putting a cube together and need your help.  My wishlist is only cards i need for my cube, here it is: Wishlist

Here is my Trade List

I know this is going to take a while so i'm ok with waiting till after rotation for SOM block cards so if you want to dump them before rotation they would ahve to be a good deal.

Last edited by Augustella (2012-09-01 17:22:45)

Here is my Profile, Tradelist, and Wishlist

Re: Need help Finishing my Cube

Trade request sent

Re: Need help Finishing my Cube

Hey got some stuff on your list, sent a trade

Re: Need help Finishing my Cube

Wow, Got a lot of trades, and a lot of you want the same things (fetch lands) let me look threw them all and figure out what combiniation i can do.  If you don't want fetch lands keep the trades coming but for the morst part my fetches are now spoken for or will be soon.

Here is my Profile, Tradelist, and Wishlist

Re: Need help Finishing my Cube

Sending a trade request. Let me know what you think.

Re: Need help Finishing my Cube

Jut sent you a trade offer. Let me know what you think.

Re: Need help Finishing my Cube

Sent you A trade prop.

Re: Need help Finishing my Cube

trade sent

Re: Need help Finishing my Cube

there seems to be nothing in your tradelist....

Re: Need help Finishing my Cube

Hey everyone, sorry.  This post has gotten such good results i couldn't keep up with all the trades, i just updated my wantlist and soon will update my trades list. thanks for your patients

Here is my Profile, Tradelist, and Wishlist

Re: Need help Finishing my Cube

Started a trade with you, feel free to edit based on what's actually available on your list.

Re: Need help Finishing my Cube

So i was changing some account settings and put the wrong email address on the account so I can't get into the actual deckbox site to look at or edit trades so i apologize for the lack of response.  I'll be back on as soon as i get the issue resolved.

Here is my Profile, Tradelist, and Wishlist

Re: Need help Finishing my Cube

Ok account fixed and lists updated.

Here is my Profile, Tradelist, and Wishlist

Re: Need help Finishing my Cube


Here is my Profile, Tradelist, and Wishlist