Topic: Selling/Trading WoW and SW:CCG cards

We are looking to unload  our entire collection of WOWTCG and SW:CCG.

The WOW cards are listed here:

These are contained inside four starter deck boxes. Two from HoA, two from Dark Portal.

In addition to that list, we have the following oversized cards from starter decks:

Timmo Shadestep
Zenith Shadowforce
Pagatha Soulbinder
Haruka Skycaller
Azarak Wolfsblood
Aleyah Dawnborn
Mojo Mender Ja'nah
Sen'zir Beastwalker
Omedus the Punisher

We also have a Molten Core Raid Deck with some of the loot cards. The loot cards are entered in the deckbox link.

The listing of SW:CCG cards can be found here: … XFDZ1oxSHc

I'm asking $100 shipped for the WoW TCG cards and $200 shipped for the SWCCG cards. I'd prefer to not part these out but sell them as collections.

Last edited by thereij (2012-09-14 22:55:53)

Re: Selling/Trading WoW and SW:CCG cards

Bumping, found an additional Dark Portal Starter Deck Box. Those have been added.