Re: [RTR] Return to Ravnica
they misspelled "[..], deals 3 damage to target creature or player, [..]"
You sir are Right!
TudorGrigoroaia wrote:Rakdos is here, have no fear...
Rakdos, Lord of Riots BBRR
You can't cast Rakdos, Lord of Riots unless one of your opponents has lost life this turn.
Flying, Trample
Each creature spell you cast costs 1 less for each 1 life your opponents have lost this turn.
6/6Daca poate cineva sa adauge si poza, please do it. Eu postez de pe telefon.
Edit: se pare ca fistyke mi-a luat-o inainte. Da e bine ca are poza!
this... is standard playable
Poti casta Rakdos, Lord of Riots si daca faci damage? In card ruling scrie ca o poti casta doar daca "one of your opponents has lost life this turn"... and as far as I know dealing damage and making someone lose life are different things...