Topic: W: 4x GoST + 4x Thragtusks H: Snaps, Vamp Tutors, Huntmasters etc.

The Huntmasters are incoming in a trade right now. I would trade anything in my tradelist for the Geists, but be more hesitant to trade the snaps or Tutors for Thragtusks unless someone is offering the playset. Either way though Geists are my first priority. There are a bunch more decently valued cards on the tradelist though, so please feel free to browse:D

The tutors are from Visions and slightly played. I currently only have 1 available, but can get a hold of another one fairly easily if the trade is right (roommate no longer plays and is a sucker for beer).

Edit: Also looking for 2x Sigardas, but that's much lower on the priority list.

Last edited by anubomb (2012-09-20 02:22:32)

Re: W: 4x GoST + 4x Thragtusks H: Snaps, Vamp Tutors, Huntmasters etc.

Added 4x sulfur falls to the list.