Topic: I want your Doomed Travelers and Midnight Duelists

This may seem like a silly request when everyone is looking or trading for Bonfires, Sublimes, and Snapcasters, but I need a batch of Standard, one-drop human soldiers for several mono- or mixed white decks I'd like to keep current.

I'm looking for up to eight each of Midnight Duelist and Doomed Traveler. The more in your trade, the merrier. Here is my tradelist for consideration:

Thanks, everyone!

Re: I want your Doomed Travelers and Midnight Duelists

What are you valuing the midnight duelists at?  I think I have a good number of them.

Re: I want your Doomed Travelers and Midnight Duelists

I usually go by the midrange price list, which is valuing them at 10 cents currently. I don't mind expanding the trade, since I know some folks would rather not pay shipping for low-dollar cards. How many do you have?

Re: I want your Doomed Travelers and Midnight Duelists

Not completely sure, they're all just sitting in my pile of commons, but I just rummaged through them the other day looking for a few things and remember seeing some.  I'll look at your list and see if there is anything else we can throw in a trade for.

Re: I want your Doomed Travelers and Midnight Duelists

Excellent. Thanks for checking your inventory.

Re: I want your Doomed Travelers and Midnight Duelists

I don't play white at _all_... Have a look at my inventory. All of my white is completely unplayed. Let me know if you want to start a trade.

Re: I want your Doomed Travelers and Midnight Duelists

Ah, that's awesome! I just created a trade from your Standard white card inventory, drpunkerz. Let me know what we can work out.

Re: I want your Doomed Travelers and Midnight Duelists

Elite vanguards?

Re: I want your Doomed Travelers and Midnight Duelists

Thabo93: I've several Elite Vanguards ... I'm switching them for the Travelers and Duelists to keep my human soldier decks Standard. Core 2012 will rotate out with Return to Ravnica in two weeks.

Re: I want your Doomed Travelers and Midnight Duelists

I've about half my request filled so far; thanks for the trades, folks! I'd still welcome up to four each of Travelers and Duelists.

Re: I want your Doomed Travelers and Midnight Duelists

I only have one duelist, I'm not sure if you want to trade with something so small but I'll make an offer anyways.