Topic: H: Thragtusk --- W: Innistrad/Core dual lands

Hey, folks. I pulled a Thragtusk from a fresh Core 2013 booster, and am looking to trade it for any combination of the following dual lands:

* Clifftop Retreat: any number
* Dragonskull Summit: Core 2013 only, any number
* Glacial Fortress: any Core set, up to 3

I'm willing to make this part of a larger trade, so feel free to check my tradelist and wishlist as well.

Thank you!

Re: H: Thragtusk --- W: Innistrad/Core dual lands

Just posted a trade for you. smile

Re: H: Thragtusk --- W: Innistrad/Core dual lands


Re: H: Thragtusk --- W: Innistrad/Core dual lands

Thanks for the offers, all! I've accepted one, so this thread can be closed.