Topic: H: Foil Omniscience, Thragtusk W: To see your tradelist.

Even if you don't have anything on my wishlist, the worst I can say is no. My wishlist is just a way for me to keep track of some things. Leave a reply if you're interested!

Re: H: Foil Omniscience, Thragtusk W: To see your tradelist.

Interested in your elders. Anything from my list?

Re: H: Foil Omniscience, Thragtusk W: To see your tradelist.

shade36 wrote:

Interested in your elders. Anything from my list?

The Dungrove Elders? If so, sending a trade.

Re: H: Foil Omniscience, Thragtusk W: To see your tradelist.

Im interested in your omniscience and your two rootbound crags. If you want to check out my tradelist I would be more then happy to make a deal.

Re: H: Foil Omniscience, Thragtusk W: To see your tradelist.

Interested in 1 Thragtusk. Take a look.