Topic: W: Standard Rare/Mythic Rare Foils H:Geist,Huntmaster,Mutavault,Clique

I'm looking for foil versions of playable standard cards like, geist of saint traft, garruk relentless, huntmaster, etc.  Propose me a trade.

Re: W: Standard Rare/Mythic Rare Foils H:Geist,Huntmaster,Mutavault,Clique

JAKElolz wrote:

I'm looking for foil versions of playable standard cards like, geist of saint traft, garruk relentless, huntmaster, etc.  Propose me a trade.

Elderscale wurm? big_smile

Re: W: Standard Rare/Mythic Rare Foils H:Geist,Huntmaster,Mutavault,Clique

I have a Glacial Fortress and Mutilate Foil.  Hit me up if you are interested in either of those!

Re: W: Standard Rare/Mythic Rare Foils H:Geist,Huntmaster,Mutavault,Clique

I have a foil Jace Memory Adept. Interested?

Re: W: Standard Rare/Mythic Rare Foils H:Geist,Huntmaster,Mutavault,Clique

I have a foil Vampire Nocturnus and foil Stromkirk Noble if you're interested.

Re: W: Standard Rare/Mythic Rare Foils H:Geist,Huntmaster,Mutavault,Clique

trade sent