Topic: Looking for one of each Unhinged Basic Land

Hey everyone, I'm looking to finish up my Un-collection and need one of each land from Unhinged.  Shoot me your trades!


Last edited by Sai077 (2012-09-30 18:16:17)

Re: Looking for one of each Unhinged Basic Land

I have all but the lands, City of ass and Toy Boats I believe. What do you value them at?

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Re: Looking for one of each Unhinged Basic Land

Decided I just wanted to grab the basic lands in trades!  (And a City of Ass if anyone has one).

Re: Looking for one of each Unhinged Basic Land

Hey, I have three of the unhinged lands.  I have Islands, Forests, and Plains.  I also have a foil unhinged Island if you're interested in that. 

Would you be willing to trade your Armada Wurm and Angel of Serenity?

Re: Looking for one of each Unhinged Basic Land

Just need a Mountain and Swamp now!

Re: Looking for one of each Unhinged Basic Land

Shameless bump.  Still looking for the cards on my wishlist, and a Mountain and Swamp!