Topic: H: Shocks + RTR W: Snap, Cavern, Fetches

Trade me! big_smile

Re: H: Shocks + RTR W: Snap, Cavern, Fetches

Also, feel free to make a trade not pertaining to the stuff above. I'd love to get rid of anything on my tradelist.

Re: H: Shocks + RTR W: Snap, Cavern, Fetches


Re: H: Shocks + RTR W: Snap, Cavern, Fetches

Which shocks do you have? I only saw a hallowed fountain.

Re: H: Shocks + RTR W: Snap, Cavern, Fetches

if you see anything on my tradelist for your lotleth troll, let me know

Re: H: Shocks + RTR W: Snap, Cavern, Fetches

Which shocks do you have? I only saw a Hallowed Fountain.

Sorry, I traded away my two other ones, so fountain is all that is left.

To AgainstOne:

Not really interested in your trades at the moment, sorry. Thanks though!