Topic: H: Jace, AoT; W: Armada Wurms

Really need a playset of Armada Wurms by next weekend, pulled a Jace at tonight's draft. Also willing to part with one or two Liliana of the Dark Realms plus the usual tradelist. Anything else in my inventory, ask, I'm pretty desperate and might be willing to part with some stuff if I can get these Wurms.

Re: H: Jace, AoT; W: Armada Wurms

I have one I'd trade towards a jace if you're interested.

Re: H: Jace, AoT; W: Armada Wurms

Definitely interested if I can't get more of them in a single trade, you seem to have plenty else I need. I'll get back to you if I don't get any offers with several Wurms.

Re: H: Jace, AoT; W: Armada Wurms

i got one from ebay and one of the corners is kinda messed up.  i was going to see if i could trade it for a temple garden before trying to return it to the seller.  here it is if you're interested:

Re: H: Jace, AoT; W: Armada Wurms

AgainstOne wrote:

i got one from ebay and one of the corners is kinda messed up.  i was going to see if i could trade it for a temple garden before trying to return it to the seller.  here it is if you're interested:

I would be interested if there's anything else you need from me, unfortunately my playset of gardens is going into the selesnya deck I need the wurms for.