Topic: H: 3 bonfires, 4 hinterlands, 1 ajani, 4 vexings W: wishlist

all of my cards are in mint condition. please let me know if yours aren't

Re: H: 3 bonfires, 4 hinterlands, 1 ajani, 4 vexings W: wishlist

Interested in Blood Crypt and Bonfires if you see anything on my list

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Re: H: 3 bonfires, 4 hinterlands, 1 ajani, 4 vexings W: wishlist

Trade sent

Re: H: 3 bonfires, 4 hinterlands, 1 ajani, 4 vexings W: wishlist

@unstableflux. i wanted to make a trade but i didnt really see anything i can use = ( sry man
traded off 4 vexings and 1 blood crypt. still have the others up for trade!

Last edited by hangmanstree (2012-10-25 23:58:04)