Topic: Election Season...

Since Election Day is fast approaching (and my proclivity toward politics given that I study them for a living), I've been churning out ideas for standard decks but have yet to really figure out which one I want to try next.  Thus far I've run a Golgari elves build and a poorly aimed Rakdos build at FNMs - neither of which did very well.  Therefore, I've decided to put it to a vote.  The current options are as follows:

One Man's Garbage (Golgari scavenge deck)

Talrand Izz Broken (Izzet draw and drake infinite loop deck)

Where's the Tear Gas? (Rakdos mid-range)

Win, Lose... or Draw? (Simic - yes they're not until Gatecrash - Shimian Specter exile all the things)

I've posted all of them for comments at various points and have received some good feedback, but I've had varying degrees of success with each whenever playtesting them.  None of them would win a pro-tour, but I'm not looking to do that, I just want to have fun and win a few games here or there.

Remember to vote!

Re: Election Season...

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Win, Lose... or Draw? (Simic - yes they're not until Gatecrash - Shimian Specter exile all the things)

I think you might mean Dimir tongue

Also I would have to vote Golgari, I havn't seen much that has been impressive in another color, unless you want to go into a color combo you aren't currently running, I do however think any of these has potential if you break down the other ones to pick up the missing pieces for the decks you don't have, IE if you have a Jace AoT that could get you most of the rest of any deck, you have to think about if one card is really worth 40$ to you.

If you're not in a major rush I'd take each of them to a FNM and see if any of them do well and if so how do they do well, can a t2 Lotleth troll win games on its own, or can a Nighthawk threat lock them down, or can you set up the infinite combo without getting killed first, then just smash face.

You could also go for a hybrid deck, Jund has been very very successful near me and I've been looking at Grixis Control as a possibility, which could be a way to expand your Specter deck, hitting them with a Slaughter Games can strip their biggest threat without letting it into their hand.

Good luck!

Re: Election Season...

Spot on about Dimir.  Me and my lacking knowledge of the guilds...

I'm definitely game to play through them each, but my LGS only runs standard FNM every other week... so I didn't know what sort of input I could get from the community (of all what, 5-6 of us that comment on decks) regarding which should go first.

For the Golgari one, I know that I'll definitely be running something REALLY different than everyone else, as all the Golgari builds they're running are SUPER zombie focused.  Enough to make Angel of Glory's Rise an actually playable white bomb.

Re: Election Season...

Looking at the results it's good to see everyone agrees eh?? tongue

I'd also say that you should use what ever's most fun and if that doesn't work out then FNM might not be a worthwhile use of your time, if it's too competitive then I wouldn't even bother going but that's just me

Re: Election Season...

Tis the season for indecision...

Re: Election Season...

Hah... now we're at two votes for each... as I voted for the Tear Gas to be able to see the results...