Topic: Sorting Inventory

First of all, I want to say thanks for this site.  It has been a tremendous help in starting to organize my collection.  In the same vein of organizing, one of the things I love is when you open a deck, you can instantly see how many Creatures/Instants/Sorcery/Land cards there are with in it, broken apart by section.  I would love to see something like that applied to the entire inventory/tradelist/wishlist.  Is something like that doable?  Planned?  In the works?

Thank you, again.

Re: Sorting Inventory

Hey, thanks for the feedback and nice words.

You cannot do that right now, it would be a bit awkward since for most collections each of the types would span many tens of pages.

What you can do though is use a filter to see  / browse one type at a time, like this:

The  numbers on top do not reflect the counts of the filtered listing though sad. We might add another count to show how many filtered ones there are.

Re: Sorting Inventory

I agree with dorvaan, great site! Very useful and easy-to-use.

I'm not sure if this is totally related, but I would like to be able to filter my inventory by foil/promo/textless. Is this currently doable? If not, can you add to your long list of upgrades smile