Topic: W: Watery Grave, Bribery, Ulamog H: Tradelist

I'm looking for 1x Watery Grave, 1x Bribery, and 1x Ulamog, The Infinite Gyre as my top priorities. Since I don't have many 'high value' cards left I'm willing to trade $18 worth of my cards for the Watery Grave and $23-$25 worth of my cards for the Bribery and Ulamog (each). Let me know if you're interested!

Last edited by UnstableFlux (2012-11-06 23:01:14)

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Re: W: Watery Grave, Bribery, Ulamog H: Tradelist

interested in your lotleth trolls but dont have anything you want atm.  if you see anything I have that can be used for your stuff, let me know

Re: W: Watery Grave, Bribery, Ulamog H: Tradelist

shardaddy wrote:

interested in your lotleth trolls but dont have anything you want atm.  if you see anything I have that can be used for your stuff, let me know

Sorry didn't see anything at the moment, thanks though!


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Re: W: Watery Grave, Bribery, Ulamog H: Tradelist

Updated with notable additions:

- 1x Angel of Serenity
- 1x FOIL Detention Sphere
- 1x FOIL Stolen Goods
- 1x FOIL Growing Ranks
- 1x Temporal Mastery
- 2x Lotleth Troll

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