Topic: Deck Type Display Issue?

Was going through my decks and I noticed one of my decks isn't showing the Type...(Vintage, Extended, Standard, etc).  My guess is one of my cards is causing the type to not get displayed.

Re: Deck Type Display Issue?

The basic lands u have in your deck are Scars of Mirrodin ones, so, until Sunday or maybe Friday (tomorrow), when Scars becomes official, ur deck type isn't displayed.

After that i can bet it's gonna be ok wink

Re: Deck Type Display Issue?

aw snap!  Didn't even think about that!  Thanks.

Re: Deck Type Display Issue?

Well, I looked at my other decks and their basic lands show SoM versions and they still list the deck type so that isn't it.

Re: Deck Type Display Issue?

No, it's not the lands, it's the Furnace Celebration in the sideboard. It's from Scars smile

Re: Deck Type Display Issue?

Hi all,
I probably have a type display issue with this deck: it should be identified as legal "Legacy Pauper deck", but what appears is "Legacy deck". Could you tell me why does this happen? Aren't all the cards common?

Thanks in advance for your attention,

Re: Deck Type Display Issue?

breveXX wrote:

Hi all,
I probably have a type display issue with this deck: it should be identified as legal "Legacy Pauper deck", but what appears is "Legacy deck". Could you tell me why does this happen? Aren't all the cards common?

Thanks in advance for your attention,


It's not displayed as Pauper because of Disenchant which has rarity set as "Special" for the timeshifted set. This is a bug though, will fix in the next few days.

Thanks for the report.

Re: Deck Type Display Issue?

Thanks for the fast reply, and thanks in advance for the fix.
