Topic: Aggressively trading for what's inside

I am aggressively trading for the following:
-1 Goblin Piledriver
-1 Goblin Ringleader - Apocalypse
-2 Mogg War Marshal
-3 Goblin Lackey
-4 Hellrider

I need them for the SCG Baltimore Open on December 1-2.  Please take a look at my stuff and see if we can work out something so I can get them in time.

Re: Aggressively trading for what's inside

So I had more Ringleaders, I have 2 now that i've mailed your cards. >_>

Re: Aggressively trading for what's inside

I have 3 lackeys and 2 war marshals. Will start trade discussion.

Re: Aggressively trading for what's inside

Have a Hellrider for trade. Starting up a discussion.