Topic: [EDH] How easily can I swap generals here?

So I've been building a Bruna deck as my first major venture into EDH.

Its been constantly improving and changing as I play and get more cards for it.

That being said, it seems to be a more 1v1 focused deck, given Bruna's nature as a voltron general.

From your point of view, can Bruna still maintain viability in multiplayer matches? I've been looking at other generals I could swap in, based on the cards I already have. My thoughts are:
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
Geist of Saint Traft
Gwafa, the Profiteer
Zur the Enchanter

Which of these generals work best as a quick swap based on the cards I have?

Also, I'm looking at other colors I could play, what are the thoughts on the following for MP?

Karn, The Silver Golem
Sliver Overlord
Niz-Mizzet, the Firemind

Re: [EDH] How easily can I swap generals here?

I'm not even going to pretend that I'm any sort of an expert in regard to EDH, but I can imagine Bruna would still be an effective general as long as you have multiple avenues to give her vigilance - keeping her untapped should keep you safe a lot of the time.

My second thought, where is Sphere of Safety - if you're dropping a ton of enchantments, this will keep your rear covered for long enough that Bruna could lay into people.  But even to that end, I'm only seeing 18 enchantments, don't you want a higher number to really capitalize on her abilities?  To that end I'm not seeing much in the U/W enchantments from RTR in here... Ethereal Armor and Righteous Authority come directly to mind.  But even more pseudo-removal things like Pacifism, Arrest, Paralyzing Grasp, Claustrophobia, and Encrust could be really useful.

Anyway, just some food for thought.

Re: [EDH] How easily can I swap generals here?

TyWooOneTime wrote:

I'm not even going to pretend that I'm any sort of an expert in regard to EDH, but I can imagine Bruna would still be an effective general as long as you have multiple avenues to give her vigilance - keeping her untapped should keep you safe a lot of the time.

My second thought, where is Sphere of Safety - if you're dropping a ton of enchantments, this will keep your rear covered for long enough that Bruna could lay into people.  But even to that end, I'm only seeing 18 enchantments, don't you want a higher number to really capitalize on her abilities?  To that end I'm not seeing much in the U/W enchantments from RTR in here... Ethereal Armor and Righteous Authority come directly to mind.  But even more pseudo-removal things like Pacifism, Arrest, Paralyzing Grasp, Claustrophobia, and Encrust could be really useful.

Anyway, just some food for thought.

I actually just took out Sphere of Safety before I posted this in favor of some other the other new cards I just got - its probably going back in soon. Righteous Authority should be there. My buddy who is way more experienced than me says he likes hard removal over soft removal like enchantments, and I tend to agree, which is why the deck is currently more instant/sorcery heavy than it should be. I'm definitly going to be critically removing a large amount of the quick spells in favor of enchantments to make bruna way larger.

I suppose, with vigilance, giving her Entangler and pro creatures could protect me indefinitely. I like your thinking.

Re: [EDH] How easily can I swap generals here?

Normally hard removal is far better than soft, but in this particular case, as you have various things to work off of enchantments, making those instances of soft removal multi-purposed.   You Pacify their creature and that both works for your Ethereal Armor and Sphere of Safety at the same time.  Further, from the perspective of dealing with an opposing general, I can think of few more frustrating things than to have it on the board but totally immobilized.

Another thought, Winds of Rath?  There's nothing quite like a more targeted, potentially one-sided boardwipe.  That or toss Indestructibility onto a creature of interest and Supreme Verdict away.

Additionally, both Norn's Annex and Crawlspace could be useful if you're worried about getting overrun before you get the Sphere out.

Re: [EDH] How easily can I swap generals here?

Winds of Rath is definitely on my want list. I'm thinking that I can remove alot of the instant speed control in favor of recursive defensive enchantments. I really like the idea of basically turtling my side of the table into not being worth attacking, and then Ethereal Armoring anything I have to make it terrifying. I'll get back to this thread once I've updated the deck to be more reflective of this modus operandi.

Re: [EDH] How easily can I swap generals here?

Grayclay wrote:

From your point of view, can Bruna still maintain viability in multiplayer matches? I've been looking at other generals I could swap in, based on the cards I already have. My thoughts are:
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
Geist of Saint Traft
Gwafa, the Profiteer
Zur the Enchanter

Bruna's ok as a commander, but she's really expensive and doesn't have any kind of protection from kill spells, GoST is pretty good because of hexproof but to be honest Zur is one of the best commanders of all time, however using him effectively would cause the value of the deck to shift up quite a bit

Re: [EDH] How easily can I swap generals here?


Bruna is my favorite general and the one I have the most fun with to this day.  Like you, my deck has evolved over time.

Questions to answer with Bruna:

1. Stop Aggro decks from beating your face in
2. Keep Bruna alive for either a run around the table while she has summoning sickness or give her haste
3. Make her unblockable with enough damage that she is instant-kill
4. Control the board long enough after you do 100+ general damage to someone that you don't get your face beat in before you get to play again

So you can see, addressing all of these, it became a UW control deck with select enchantments vs a bunch, and lots of tutors and ways to get Bruna dressed up for the party.

Suggestions for any Bruna deck:

- Godhead of Awe (not to mention for hilarity) - even at a 1/1, with the right auras, Bruna will do more than 21 general
- Kismet, Stasis and Defense Grid control the board
- Mystic, Enlightened and Idyllic Tutors, along with Three Dreams
- Winds of Rath (as you mentioned), Austere Command and Catastrophe
- Avacyn and Armaggeddon for alternate win condition
- Gift of Estates, Land Tax, Knight of the White Orchid, Dreamscape Artist and Terrain Generator for mana
- Rhystic Study, Consecrated Sphinx for card draw
- Peacekeeper, Faith Healer and Magus of the Moat for more control
- If you can swing it, an Academy Rector is always handy
- Ashnod's Altar and Phyrexian Altar for sac outlets in case you are in a pinch or need to activate creature abilities
- Ulamog works better that Kozilek if you have to choose in this deck because of the permanent removal
- Swords, Path, Disenchant and Orim's Chant are musts.  If you want to have some fun, throw in an Isochron Scepter.  I locked a guy down just last Friday with using a mono-white deck Iso/Orims until I got the Avacyn/Armageddon out.  Game Set Match.
- Don't be afraid to throw in some mana Myrs to get your deck rolling
- Whispersilk Cloak, Swiftfoot Boots, Lightning Greaves, etc to make her less of a target, hastey or both
- Soverigns of Lost Alara is not only a nice fatty, but also grabs you an enchantment that Bruna can steal later

Well, that's about what I can think of for the time being.  If you want some more info on the Bruna deck build, let me know and I'll update the one I have posted here on deckbox to what I am currently running.  Most of the cards should be the same though.  Feel free to take a look!

Re: [EDH] How easily can I swap generals here?

Greater Auramancy works great with Bruna, as her ability doesn't target and can put auras on her working around the shroud. Great protection for her and for all the enchantments on her.

Re: [EDH] How easily can I swap generals here?

An Idea I had when I first saw Bruna spoiled was to throw in a Traumatize and Mill myself to get a ridiculous amount of my enchantments in the graveyard and then just swing with Bruna and get them all back on the attack. Just a thought smile

As for your original question about swapping Generals, the only one that will perhaps be the best for what your looking for is Grand Arbiter. If anything I would consider Isperia, Supreme Judge. Shes got a solid body and already has some evasion and even you get attacked you get to draw some cards smile