Topic: Does anybody even care about Craterhoof?

Honestly, is there anybody that has interest in this card?  I know it went through the roof last week but it seems like everybody (myself included) is trying to trade it off before the price falls out.

I just don't know anybody that wants to build a deck around him, much less pay the kind of price tcg is putting on him...

Just curious to see what others think about this card

Re: Does anybody even care about Craterhoof?

I managed to trade mine off at like 10-13$ a piece and I was happy to get rid of them at that price, before I got the offer I thought they were still at 2-3$, what deck are they even used in??

Re: Does anybody even care about Craterhoof?

It seems very likely that this is just a temporary price hike. If the price stays high for awhile, people will possibly start trading for them. It just doesn't seem like people are that interested in the deck, so no one is jumping on the card.

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Re: Does anybody even care about Craterhoof?

I wondered the same thing. I figured some kind of Reanimator build used it since I have yet to find a list that did...

Re: Does anybody even care about Craterhoof?

This deck: … ckID=50897

Re: Does anybody even care about Craterhoof?

Ok well I was close. I havent seen that list before.

Re: Does anybody even care about Craterhoof?

Yep I've had no takers for the two I have, even though I'm willing to trade them for around $10-12, which is well below it's current value.

Re: Does anybody even care about Craterhoof?

anupam, draft on thursday. msg me

Re: Does anybody even care about Craterhoof?

If I didn't already have mine I'd be interested. It's getting a lot of reanimator play (that's what I run...threw one in my token deck for a finished, too).

Re: Does anybody even care about Craterhoof?

I have two for a mono-green aggro build but I picked them up both for less than $3... I guess it just takes the right amount of digging around to find a taker.

Re: Does anybody even care about Craterhoof?

Yeah, that's all about what I expected...I'm just wondering now what people would be willing to value him at.  Honestly, I think I might go as low as 7-8 dollars.

Re: Does anybody even care about Craterhoof?

Jonathanm517 wrote:

Yeah, that's all about what I expected...I'm just wondering now what people would be willing to value him at.  Honestly, I think I might go as low as 7-8 dollars.

I could use a spare at 8 bucks if there was anything you needed from my tradelist.

Re: Does anybody even care about Craterhoof?

Green is the color for ramping and little one/two drops. I think those who dont see the value of Craterhoof is making a big mistake both from a financial and a playing stand point. if anything close to Primeval Titan (or a card it its ramping abilities) comes out in the next 6 sets, you will see him in every Naya, GW and bant deck. he may even see more legacy play over time (elves with a craterhoof finisher anyone? cheeper than emrikul to play). Although i do laugh at those who said this card was terrible and traded them to me for .50 a piece, it does have value and will continue to.

Last edited by Dakkon4444 (2012-11-30 09:43:40)

Re: Does anybody even care about Craterhoof?

Dakkon4444 wrote:

Green is just a color for ramping and little one/two drops. I think those who dont see the value of Craterhoof is making a big mistake both from a financial and a playing stand point. if anything close to Primeval Titan (or a card it its ramping abilities) comes out in the next 6 sets, you will see him in every Naya, GW and bant deck. he may even see more legacy play over time (elves with a craterhoof finisher anyone? cheeper than emrikul to play). Although i do laugh at those who said this card was terrible and traded them to me for .50 a piece, it does have value and will continue to.

Emrakul can't be countered, which is why he is so good in Legacy (that and you can get him out other ways)

Last edited by TheTorq (2012-11-30 01:43:12)

Re: Does anybody even care about Craterhoof?

TheTorq wrote:
Dakkon4444 wrote:

Green is just a color for ramping and little one/two drops. I think those who dont see the value of Craterhoof is making a big mistake both from a financial and a playing stand point. if anything close to Primeval Titan (or a card it its ramping abilities) comes out in the next 6 sets, you will see him in every Naya, GW and bant deck. he may even see more legacy play over time (elves with a craterhoof finisher anyone? cheeper than emrikul to play). Although i do laugh at those who said this card was terrible and traded them to me for .50 a piece, it does have value and will continue to.

Emrakul can't be countered, which is why he is so good in Legacy (that and you can get him out other ways)

true, im looking at it from a person who cant get one and had a craterhoof laying around for 4 less mana because the opportunity came up during the match (I can dream can't I?? LOL)

Re: Does anybody even care about Craterhoof?

@Dakkon, I found it nice to run Craterhoof as a one of in my Legacy elf list(before I got rid of it) since I had issues continuing the combo sometimes, and I could easily search out Craterhoof with things like Summoner's Pact and Green Sun. Granted I still ran Emrakul.

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