Topic: H: Boxed Set Stuff W: Format Staples

Looked in my drawer today and noticed the following sealed box stuff:

1x Duel Decks: Jace vs Chandra - $85
1x Commander: Devour for Power - $55
2x Commander: Heavenly Inferno - $68
and all four flavors of Archenemy - I'll get rid of the lot for $99.

I like Restoration Angels.  I have a lot. I want more.

Also like format staples to turn around and trade.  Since these are out of print, if no Restos, I would prefer out of print stuff, but I won't bust your crotch about it.

There's not a ton on my wishlist, but just shoot me a trade and I'll try to work something out.  Values for box stuff are off from ebay BIN prices, including shipping (since these are not just a few cards).

Re: H: Boxed Set Stuff W: Format Staples


Sorry I am not trading these outside of the US due to additional package postage.


Re: H: Boxed Set Stuff W: Format Staples

I'm within the US, and I want one of your Heavenly Inferno decks.  Unfortunately, my Resto Angel is already involved in a trade... but I'm hoping we can work something out.  I also do have more shocklands than are listed in my trade binder.  Let me know if you see anything.

EDIT:  Also, maybe you accept cash money?

Last edited by drgolovacroxby (2012-12-05 16:31:09)

Re: H: Boxed Set Stuff W: Format Staples

thx DrG

I now have just the Jace v Chandra and Archenemy stuff remaining.