Topic: Budget Deck Listing ($200 or less)

In my quest to attempt to have my game bankroll itself I've searched high and low for decks that clock in around the sub $200 mark while still being competitive. I figured it might be helpful to post up the results of my searches so that more people could make the jump from casual to competitive if they feel the itch smile I'll edit with updates as I get decks up or you post links to your own entries.

Levels in order from lowest to highest:FNM, Tournament, High(Pro points)

Vintage Decks

Legacy Decks

Extended Decks
Run of the mill Pyromancer's Ascension - $143
Descrip:Control with combo kill

Anthony Eason's Mono Red:2nd place US Nats with  6-0-2 record - $173
Descrip:Quick Mono red aggro with plenty of burn. Devestating red package in SB

Conley Wood's "Soul Sisters":14th place US Nats with 6-2-0 record - $205 (Elspeth fluctuations)
Descrip:Mono white mixture of aggro and control via life gain synergy.

Standard Decks
JVL's "Distortion Fiend":Super Cheap - $26.18
Descrip:Combo deck that runs on Fiend + Precursor golem allowing for 24 unblockable damage on turn 6. Transformative sideboard ups game 2&3 advantage.
Level:TBA, at min FNM

JVL's "Mimic Vat" - $94
Descrip:BW Aggro allies that can take off on the power of Diabolist and is well positioned against the field currently. BW Fetch inflates the price right now.
Level:TBA, at min FNM

Last edited by lorddax (2010-10-20 13:47:30)

Re: Budget Deck Listing ($200 or less)

Uau, nice.
And a good idea also for all to try and make something like this. Set a limited amount of cash, then start building. There are too many cards these days that get "love" simply because they play well in tournaments. While others obviously get avoided because they are not "Baneslayers".

Hmmm, let's see how it turns out with the Scars shining their metal.

I hope others will share a bit of their competitive low budget non-high-profile (peculiar if possible) decks.

Re: Budget Deck Listing ($200 or less)

I'm brewing some new Scars lists that I hope to put up as soon as SoM goes live. They use less than 5 mythics combined so they should be easy to accquire. I hope to see more contributions at all different play levels soon!

Re: Budget Deck Listing ($200 or less)

Ok are you talking about standard decks that are competitive, or just any deck that is competitive, but less than 200?

Re: Budget Deck Listing ($200 or less)

Decks for any format that are competitive on one of the 3 levels-FNM, Tournament, High Reward/Pro Points

Re: Budget Deck Listing ($200 or less)

Added a super cheap scars deck for anyone looking to hop in this block. Not sure on the tourney quality of this deck, it may be mid level depending on if RaziRamp is still one of the main deck. The deck will do well in metas where there is a low amount of spot removal.

Re: Budget Deck Listing ($200 or less)

You could try a discard heavy build... with all the control and ramp going around, it kind of seems like a good budget option. Could work with some removal and beaters... there's even instant speed discard in standard, with Mimic Vat/Liliana's Specter...

Re: Budget Deck Listing ($200 or less)

I read your post and was attempting to brew something like that last night and then lo and behold JVL went and did it for me with this weeks BoAB. Aggro is still a good place to be in this early meta and the new entry to our budget list allows for aggro and hand control.

I moved the older standard decks into the extended category for now in case people need to throw something together for the new double extended format.

Re: Budget Deck Listing ($200 or less)

With a Discard-heavy deck, I think you can combine it with milling for extra flavour. Options include Liliana's Caress, even better than Megrim, and Jace's Erasure for fun. Oh yeah, throw out a Leyline of the Void too, which scuppers Vengevine decks, and those decks where an opponent shuffles their graveyard into their library.

Re: Budget Deck Listing ($200 or less)

Dredge/Ichorid is a fairly competive legacy deck, which can be assembled for less than $200. This deck cost $156 according to's price calculator.

Last edited by NesretepNoj (2010-11-04 23:16:20)

Re: Budget Deck Listing ($200 or less)

Very nice tread and really like the mimic vat deck, but I don't think the Fiend deck is that good... mostly because it is highly situational...but I might be wrong

Can you tell me how does the Fiend deck do against Red Agro and UW control?

Re: Budget Deck Listing ($200 or less)

Both of my standard ally decks are fairly competitive.

There's my U/G Mill (with a bit of aggro) which you can find
There's also my B/U Mill/Discard deck which I think is much more competitive, with both Lilianna and Jace to round it out. It's game over if you can get Liliana's last ability off if you've been consistently milling.

Planning to try out the U/G at the next couple of FNM's if I can round up the last few cards I need.

Last edited by Venia (2010-11-09 03:52:52)

Re: Budget Deck Listing ($200 or less)

ww quest is budget....60$ . 4 stoneforge, 1-2 swords, 2 armors, 4 memnites and  the other cards are 0.1-0.5

Diverse thoughts. MTG and anything that crosses my mind.
DCI MTG Level 2 Judge