Topic: Getting Out of Standard- Help me Out! H: Lots

So, I've decided to jump off of the standard boat. It's just too expensive these days! Here's a T1 deck I'd almost finished, now up for trade!
4x Gravecrawler
4x Geralf's Messenger
4x Blood Crypt
4x Dragonskull Summit
1x Falkenrath Aristocrat

Some other commons/uncommons also.
I'm looking for the stuff on my needed as well as:
APAC lands (high want if you have more than one)
Grand Prix foil Chrome Mox (high want!)
My want list. Please propose offers!

Re: Getting Out of Standard- Help me Out! H: Lots

welcome to EDH!

Re: Getting Out of Standard- Help me Out! H: Lots

Hey, what would you think of 4x Path to Exile for 3x Blood Crypt?