Topic: (EDIT) W: 3x Fulminator Mage, 1x Deathrite H: Lots o' good stuff!

EDIT: Added Fulminator Mage to my wants. Need 3 more to complete my playset.

And thanks for all the offers so far! I'm considering all trades at the moment.

Looking to finish my playset of Deathrite Shamans, need just 1 more!


And if you don't have a Shaman but see something else you'd like from me, feel free to offer a trade!

Last edited by grodytoadie (2013-01-06 21:42:47)

Re: (EDIT) W: 3x Fulminator Mage, 1x Deathrite H: Lots o' good stuff!

i have shamans to trade

Re: (EDIT) W: 3x Fulminator Mage, 1x Deathrite H: Lots o' good stuff!

Offer sent.

Re: (EDIT) W: 3x Fulminator Mage, 1x Deathrite H: Lots o' good stuff!

Added Fulminator Mages to my wishlist.