Topic: W: Cash H: A bunch of older card for cubes/extended players

Looking to cash in on older collection. Have a random assortment of stuff including a few fetch lands, mox diamonds, badlands, and other stuff. Please feel free to make me any offers. Sadly I'm not looking for cards, only money. Shipping wise I am in the UK.

I also have a collection of Arena land, asia-pacific promotional lands, oversized cards, vanguard character cards, and a crimped beta hypnotic specter for those interested in more collectible stuff.


Re: W: Cash H: A bunch of older card for cubes/extended players

I am thinking about buying my playset of mox diamonds, so if you can beat ebay prices I may be interested.

I collect funny, epic, or unique flavor texts (foil if applicable)
Looking to purchase one player rewards and one judge foil Wasteland.
Tradelist | Wishist

Re: W: Cash H: A bunch of older card for cubes/extended players

Wouldn't mind buying some of your stuff from you either, but you not having any trades under your belt makes it a little nerve racking.

Anywhere else you've sold stuff?  Ebay?  Anywhere you can point us to?

Last edited by Zuul36 (2013-01-06 20:07:02)

Re: W: Cash H: A bunch of older card for cubes/extended players

Hi guys,

Understand the trepidation of my 0 rep and asking for cash. I've sold sporadically through ebay before, my account name on there is thetechmonkey. I've also once sold a collection of dual lands to a redditor through the trade thread on there. He said I could use him as testimony for future sales, so if that is any good to you I'd be happy to message you his reddit username through here or through reddit?

I realise neither of these are the greatest of proofs so if you can think of anything better please let me know :-)

Re: W: Cash H: A bunch of older card for cubes/extended players

shifty4690 wrote:

I am thinking about buying my playset of mox diamonds, so if you can beat ebay prices I may be interested.

What sort of price are you thinking? around $90 seems to be a little under the going rate on ebay, though I'm situated in the UK so postage will probably be around $8.