Topic: Selling Zombies! and Aristocrat

4 Gravecrawler $9.00
4 Geralf's Messenger $7.00
4 Falkenrath Aristocrat $20.00

I generally want to sell things in groups of 4.

This will be done via paypal.

Also, prices are negotiable, just trying to get it sold!

Last edited by Thomasowns (2013-01-14 16:19:35)

Re: Selling Zombies! and Aristocrat

Sent an offer to buy your Blood Crypt.

Re: Selling Zombies! and Aristocrat

To the Top!

Re: Selling Zombies! and Aristocrat

To the Top!

Also prices are negotiable,

I'm not playing anymore these days and would really like to just get these off my hands to some one who does play.

Re: Selling Zombies! and Aristocrat

I could potentially be interested in the 4 gravecrawlers and 4 geralf's messengers. Based on ebay prices though, the highest I could go would be $50 bucks. If this seems reasonable to you, let me know.

I collect funny, epic, or unique flavor texts (foil if applicable)
Looking to purchase one player rewards and one judge foil Wasteland.
Tradelist | Wishist

Re: Selling Zombies! and Aristocrat

shifty4690 wrote:

I could potentially be interested in the 4 gravecrawlers and 4 geralf's messengers. Based on ebay prices though, the highest I could go would be $50 bucks. If this seems reasonable to you, let me know.

Start a trade and you got yourself a deal.

Re: Selling Zombies! and Aristocrat

Still got 4x Falkenrath's available!

Some one offer me something and they will most likely be your's.

Re: Selling Zombies! and Aristocrat

All is sold!

Great dealing with everyone here big_smile