Topic: [Casual] I could use some help with a Nicol Bolas deck. This is a deck list focusing on chump blockers with deathtouch to keep their creatures at bay. This deck list is cheaper (always better) and focuses more on drawing what I want, and Grimgrin.
Update: I now have a couple deck lists with Nicol Bolas as the highlight, each of which do similar things with the spells, but the creatures are totally different. These two deck-lists are exactly what I am after though. I like the deathtouch chump blocker deck. I think it has survival, and may even make my opponent stall which plays highly in my favor once Bolas enters the battlefield and I yank a creature. The other is actually an aggressive front using zombies and beefing Grimgrin but ultimately bides me time until I can get Bolas on the battlefield and start locking them down.
So far what I have put together is under $150 and I would really like to stay within that price range. This would be a deck I use mostly in two headed giant games, and perhaps one on one with the knowledge that it will not be very powerful in a 1v1 situation.
I like some help maybe combining the two ideas, or pointing out which is actually more powerful during play.
Several views, no feedback. What gives? Please folks, any criticism is good criticism in my opinion!
Last edited by albonation (2013-01-19 22:03:52)