Topic: Sign up for the event on Feb 1 to be counted for the draw!!

Thanks for the suggestions everybody.  If you signup for the event then I'll consider you an active member regardless of what your trade status is.

Re: Sign up for the event on Feb 1 to be counted for the draw!!

Where and how do you sign up. The event doesn't seem to be on the calendar.

~Merecedes Benz - The Best or Nothing~
~Life is a highway, Im gunna pave it all day long~

Re: Sign up for the event on Feb 1 to be counted for the draw!!

Go to the Canadian Traders community page in order to sign up. Good luck! smile

Re: Sign up for the event on Feb 1 to be counted for the draw!!

Lol I must be blind and stupid cuz I can't figure it out lol

~Merecedes Benz - The Best or Nothing~
~Life is a highway, Im gunna pave it all day long~

Re: Sign up for the event on Feb 1 to be counted for the draw!!

I think you can go here. … vents/1161

Re: Sign up for the event on Feb 1 to be counted for the draw!!

Nah link takes me to calendar where event can't be found. Weird and oh well lol but thanks for trying to help me

~Merecedes Benz - The Best or Nothing~
~Life is a highway, Im gunna pave it all day long~

Re: Sign up for the event on Feb 1 to be counted for the draw!!

Really?? ok so click "My profile" and then "Canadian Traders" and then click the event from the Upcoming Events page.

Re: Sign up for the event on Feb 1 to be counted for the draw!!

Still not finding the event even when I go to our community page and try and click on it from someone else's post to it. Super strange ah well not meant to be for me I guess

~Merecedes Benz - The Best or Nothing~
~Life is a highway, Im gunna pave it all day long~

Re: Sign up for the event on Feb 1 to be counted for the draw!!

It worked weird wonder why it wasn't before and thanks again for the help

~Merecedes Benz - The Best or Nothing~
~Life is a highway, Im gunna pave it all day long~

Re: Sign up for the event on Feb 1 to be counted for the draw!!

So where do they announce the winner??