Topic: W: Hellrider x2, Noble Heiarch x1 H: Standard Main & Lands, Modern etc

Standard Wands:
Hellrider x2 (highest priority)
Zealous Conscripts x1 (Non foil - high priority. Have foil, can trade)
Abrupt Decay x2+ (lower priority)
Deathrite Shaman x2+ (lower priority)

Modern Wants:
Noble Heiarch x1 (high priority)

Notable Standard Haves:
Thundermaw x1 M/NM
Thundermaw x1 Altered M/NM
Jace AoT x1
Jace, Memory Adept x2 (3 possibly)
Entreat the Angels x1
Garruk Relentless x1
Temple Garden  x1
Isolated Chapel x1
Woodland Cemetery x4
Gravecrawler x1
Gisela  x5
Geralf's Messenger x1

Modern haves, flip through. Inventory is likely open for the hiearch, depending.

Shoot me a trade!
No fatpacks currently. I will have Gatecrash ones within 2 weeks of their release though! (Plan to have the 6th)

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
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Re: W: Hellrider x2, Noble Heiarch x1 H: Standard Main & Lands, Modern etc

Trade shot! smile