Topic: Need stuff for UWR. Have: Huntsmaster and shocks.

Edit: Mostly looking to pick up MB stuff first, the SB will follow later.

2 snapcasters

2 sphinx's rev

2 runechanter pikes

3 clifftop retreats
4 glacial fortress
3 sulfur falls

1 clone
2 rhox faithmender
3 jace, MA (note: I don't value these at $17)
1 supreme verdict

1 huntsmaster
3 cavern of souls
4 temple garden
4 rootbound crag
2 hinterland harbor
1 sunpetal
+ tradelist.

Last edited by Luminaxe (2013-01-27 06:33:31)

Re: Need stuff for UWR. Have: Huntsmaster and shocks.

Have: 3x Glacial Fortress, 1x Rhox Faithmender, 1x Supreme Verdict, 2x Sphinx's Revelation, 1x Snapcaster Mage. Interested in your 3x Cavern of Souls. Let me know if we can work this out.

Re: Need stuff for UWR. Have: Huntsmaster and shocks.

i have the  sphinx's revelations, and the spikes (currently have 2 korean, 1 chinese, and 1 english), the clifftop retreats (3 regular and 1 foil if you want it), and the sulfur falls (one is SP though).

LMK if you're interested, we can work out a price depending on which ones you want.