Topic: W: Snapcaster/Esper Cards H: Thragtusk/New Inventory

Hey everyone I updated my inventory check it out see if there is something you need and we can make a trade!

I'm looking to trade my Thragtusk, Sunpetal Groves, Hinterland Harbors, Garruk Relentless, and other cards for Esper Cards.

1x Jace, MA


1-2x Snapcaster Mage(High Priority)
2x Terminus


4x Isolated Chapel
4x Watery Grave
4x Godless Shrine
3x Glacial Fortress
4x Drowned Catacomb

Last edited by Odyssea (2013-01-30 15:29:50)

Re: W: Snapcaster/Esper Cards H: Thragtusk/New Inventory
