Topic: Domri's Fury?

Anyone interested in swapping a Domri Rade for Aurelia's Fury?

Last edited by TyWooOneTime (2013-02-04 16:39:18)

Re: Domri's Fury?

I am but waiting for my domri to arrive before able to trade it.

Re: Domri's Fury?

Any sense on the ETA?

Re: Domri's Fury?

none. can't find it in my lists of trades. must not have made a deal for it. but I know I did buy it on pre-release night. I am sure I didn't trade it, but didn't get listed in inventory and can't find it
but I am still interested in the deal. if you can find one before I can, let me know please

Re: Domri's Fury?

Dig around and let me know.  I have a trade proposed to someone at the moment, but I don't know if/when he'll respond.  If you can track it down soon I'll cancel that one and you're first in line.

Re: Domri's Fury?

just found the deal. It should be here in next 2 days. will set up a trade as soon as it arrives at my house

Re: Domri's Fury?

I'll cancel the other trade and will setup one with you.