Topic: Suggestions for [Modern] R/B Vampires

I'm looking for suggestions for my deck: It isn't great, and I'm new at this, so I appreciate any and all help!

The deck is build around bloodline keeper and its transform ability.

Re: Suggestions for [Modern] R/B Vampires

Your link says Modern, but the deck name says Standard. I'll guess it is for modern

Hey, I see you are running Modern Vampires. A buddy mine runs them, I have given him suggestions, but I can give them to you.
I don't really know what your budget is so I'll just make vague suggestions
1) 4 Lightning Bolts. Since you are running red I think it is just an automatic 4-of.
2) Inquisition of Kozilek. Takes Combo pieces, and also lets you know what your opponent is running.
3) Vampire lacerator, Gatekeeper of Malalkir, and Guul Draz Vampire. All solid cheap 'Dudes'

Here is my suggested deck:
4 Vampire Lacerator
4 Gatekeeper of Malilkir
4 Guul Draz Vampire
4 Vampire Nighthawk
4 StromKirk Noble
4 Stromkirk Captain
2-4 Bloodline Keeper (Never seen this in action. Seems cool though)

4x Lightning Bolt
4x Removal spell of your Meta (Doom blade, go for the throat, Rift bolt, Dismember, etc)

4x Inquisition of Kozilek (Or any other hand control spell

20-22 lands

That's just my $.02

Last edited by TheTorq (2013-02-07 00:10:03)