Topic: Have some standard stuff that I am willing to sell/trade!
I am taking apart my standard decks because I keep making an effort to go and build decks and then I just draft each week. >_< So I have de-sleeved my cards and I am putting them all up for trade. I am looking for the things in my wishlist. I also am considering making a 5 color EDH deck now that we have all the shocklands, so if you have anything that would be good for that feel free to try and tempt me ^_^ (A set of foil signets could tempt me )
Things for trade:
3x Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
2x Thragtusk
1x Garruk, Primal Hunter
3x Entreat the Angels
1x Woodland Cemetery
4x Gravecrawler
1x Aurelia's Fury
1x FOIL Deathpact Angel
1x Clan Defiance
1x PROMO searing spear
4x Geralf's Messenger
4x Rhox Faithmender
2x Stromkirk Noble
4x Exquisite blood
These are things that I am looking for!
I am also interested in the gitaxian probe promos, reliquary tower promos, lingering soul promos, foil charms and guildmages (RTR or GTC), and foil shocklands (willing to do 2 regulars + a little extra value)
I am also willing to sell the things on my tradelist. If you want to do this we can go off of ebay "buy it now" prices and I will just cut under that price by a little bit. Haggling is allowed; it is your money, don't overpay.
Last edited by shifty4690 (2013-02-19 17:29:33)