Topic: W: Kataki, Linvala, Silent Arbiter, Reveillark.

Just need these four cards to finish a deck:

1x Linvala, Keeper of Silence
1x Silent Arbiter
1x Reveillark
1x Kataki, War's Wage


Willing to Buy/Sell to get these as well. Might be willing to part with 2x Deathrite Shaman for the right offer (I can shuffle 2 from my reanimator, I just don't like doing that...but it's better than not having the deck at all).

Last edited by BaronVonVaderham (2013-02-14 06:50:29)

Re: W: Kataki, Linvala, Silent Arbiter, Reveillark.


Re: W: Kataki, Linvala, Silent Arbiter, Reveillark.

Is the karn from your inventory tradeable?

Re: W: Kataki, Linvala, Silent Arbiter, Reveillark.

BlackMageWins77 wrote:

Is the karn from your inventory tradeable?

Unfortunately he's in my only remaining EDH deck.

Re: W: Kataki, Linvala, Silent Arbiter, Reveillark.

how about the kitchen finks?

Re: W: Kataki, Linvala, Silent Arbiter, Reveillark.

BlackMageWins77 wrote:

how about the kitchen finks?

They're in the deck I need this stuff for.

Re: W: Kataki, Linvala, Silent Arbiter, Reveillark.

Man we cannot make a trade at all can we? Good luck sir.

Re: W: Kataki, Linvala, Silent Arbiter, Reveillark.

It seems not, thanks for trying though.

Re: W: Kataki, Linvala, Silent Arbiter, Reveillark.

I have those 2x chord of calling you are looking for. Both NM. I also see I have a ton more stuff from your wishlist. If you want to start a trade, we can discuss stuff from there.

Re: W: Kataki, Linvala, Silent Arbiter, Reveillark.

2x Chord of Calling acquired.

Re: W: Kataki, Linvala, Silent Arbiter, Reveillark.

Bump, just 4 cards left people.