Topic: Suggestion:some improvements

First of all: GREAT WORK SEBI! smile

I'm a new member here, but quite an experienced card game player. So  I'd like to share my suggestions for improving your really beautifully site:

1. Deck printing: aside from using DCI layout, it'd be nice to show Edition Tag or full Edition descriptor by the side of each card (just to make it easy find them at home! wink )
2. the same thing would be nice on the spoiler page (very useful to me), like for the number tag
3. Can you also make a printing layout from the spoiler page?

At last, may I offer to give you italian translation of Warhammer Invasion and expansions cards? Just to use like alternate name for player outside USA.

Sorry for my bad English, but I'm italian. I hope you can understand me... sad


Re: Suggestion:some improvements

Welcome, and thanks for your kind words.

Now, onto the clarifications for your requests smile

DrJester wrote:

1. Deck printing: aside from using DCI layout, it'd be nice to show Edition Tag or full Edition descriptor by the side of each card (just to make it easy find them at home! wink )

By the DCI layout you mean this print view: ? You'd like to see the edition of each card by it's name, right? (The DCI number row was initially just for Magic cards, but I forgot to remove it for the other games big_smile.)

DrJester wrote:

2. the same thing would be nice on the spoiler page (very useful to me), like for the number tag

I thought a bit about adding extra information near the cards in spoiler view, but I did not find a nice way to put it in there. (without making a mess of the layout). I'll consider your request though. (For Magic this problem does not exist, as the expansion symbol can be clearly seen on the card image)

DrJester wrote:

At last, may I offer to give you italian translation of Warhammer Invasion and expansions cards? Just to use like alternate name for player outside USA.

Sorry for my bad English, but I'm italian. I hope you can understand me... sad

I have thought about internationalization as well... but sadly that is a larger endeavor, and will require quite a bit of work.... so I'm putting it off for now. But I've taken note of your volunteering request, and the moment I get to it, you'll get an email smile

Your English is great! Thanks for the feedback.

Re: Suggestion:some improvements

Yes, that's the report I meant. We may use an acronym, instead of the entire edition set name, such as CS for Core Set or T&C for Tooth and Claws and so on. It'd also be nice to a different report, or the same with some options, with more data on it, like card text, power and health for creatures, etc... for a quick reminder when 'offline'.

Perhaps the same can be done on spoiler view, since it require fewer letter... but you know better than me about not making a mess of the layout. wink

As you'll start the internationalization project, I'll be there. Better for now to improve your great works here!

Thanks for considering my suggestions... big_smile

Last edited by DrJester (2010-04-01 07:23:00)

Re: Suggestion:some improvements

I know changes are to come on the description text field at bottom of deck pages, but i'd like to see the ability to comment on peoples' decks: a discussion. If space allows, that is

Re: Suggestion:some improvements

suggesting a mobile web version that is accessible on phones.

Re: Suggestion:some improvements

Artemus_Maximus wrote:

suggesting a mobile web version that is accessible on phones.

Yep, this would be cool, I wanted that since the beginning, but sadly I had no time to implement it sad. It's on the list for the future though!

Re: Suggestion:some improvements

I would be great if they were 2 new race categories Neutral (Order) and Neutral (Chaos) or even more with Neutral (Skaven/Lizard/Vamps).

Re: Suggestion:some improvements

[and props for even havin this site built with all the details
kthx smile]

Re: Suggestion:some improvements

Quote Witchel smile